Large broiler breeder project in the Ha'il Region
At the beginning of this year we completed a large broiler breeder project in the Ha'il region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The project consists of 24 broiler breeder houses, every house has its own two silos for providing the males and hens with the correct feed.
The silos are linked to a weighing unit and dosing unit for the right daily portions. The Matrix feeding system exclusively designed for males makes sure that all the males will receive the equal portions of daily feed.
In every house there are also three Chainovation chain feeding circuits to make sure all the hens will get a correct dose of daily feed. In the middle of every house is a Premium+ laying nest from VDL Jansen. The Premium+ laying nest is designed for the production of premium-quality hatching eggs. The eggs remain perfectly clean and the proper treatment prevents damage to the eggs. We are very proud of this project and we wish the owners a successful production.